Take care of your customers to scale your business


Do you get bogged down with necessary yet time-consuming tasks that really you shouldn’t be working on? And as a consequence are you missing out on the crucial time you need to focus your energy and talent on the tasks that drive your business forward? It’s not surprising when you’re overworked and overwhelmed that inevitably things start to slip through the net: sales leads don’t get followed up, invoices get missed and CRM databases aren’t kept up to date. As a result your customer relationships – and profits – start to suffer. After all, businesses’ reputations are built on the service customers receive, but these take time to manage. If you’re already wearing too many hats, it’s all too easy for this side of the business to not be given
the dedicated attention it needs.

There are some sophisticated consumer software packages out there, designed to enhance your interactions with customers and boost your productivity. One of the very best is ZenDesk. The name came from the co-creators’ desire to bring about a bit of Zen and order to what they perceived as the chaotic world of customer support. ZenDesk Support works by putting all your customer support interactions in one place, so everything you need is available in a single easy-to- use helpdesk interface. This means it’s easier to manage from a business user’s point of view and your customers receive support that is seamless, slick and efficient. The best part is you can personalise and configure it to fit the needs of your business. What’s not to
love?! The only snag can be that, however great the software is you still need to invest time to manage it effectively. So if you’re using ZenDesk – or a similar program – to manage your customer relationships, your own time constraints likely mean you’re not getting the most out of the software.

‘The key is to set realistic customer expectations and then not to just meet them but to exceed them, preferably in unexpected and helpful ways’ Richard Branson

Virtual Assistants (VAs) are personable and skilled customer service professionals with a wealth of relationship management experience. Many Virtual Assistants have experience of working with software such as ZenDesk and they can take over much of its day-to- day operation for you. So Virtual Assistants can hit the ground running – answering support tickets and vastly enhancing and improving the level of service your customers receive. Working together with a Virtual Assistant can add tremendous value to your customer service goals across the board: they can follow up on sales leads, manage your online support, oversee your CRM, process orders and refunds – the list goes on. Both you and your customers will be delighted by the professional and superior service they receive.

Who doesn’t want to do more of what they love and less of what they don’t?

Virtual Assistants can take on a wide range of your customer support duties and in turn free up your time to focus on what you do best. Tasks include, but are in no way limited to:

Follow up on sales leads
Answering support tickets with ZenDesk
Process orders and refunds
Follow up on outstanding invoices
Create templates and rules for customer service enquiries
CRM management – updating emails or contact lists
Invoices and payments
Inventory management
Shopping cart admin
Supplier liaison


What could you achieve with all of that extra time if you delegated your customer support tasks to a Virtual Assistant? What could it mean for your bottom line? What could it mean for your work–life balance?

Share in the comments which one of these areas of customer support would make the most difference to you.


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My name is Selina Johnson and I'm an elite Virtual Assistant providing Virtual Business Support to Executives. We help SME's with administrative, technical and creative support so you are free to grow your business and increase your profits.

Contact us today to discuss how we can add value to your business.

01234 602596


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