The Ultimate List of Tasks to Delegate to a Virtual Assistant

The Ultimate List of Tasks to Delegate to a Virtual Assistant

Sale Price:US$0.00 Original Price:US$47.00


  • A comprehensive list of all of the tasks you could possibly get off your to-do list that will blow. your. mind!

  • A deep dive into administrative tasks covering research, event management and even your personal life (wave goodbye to forgotten anniversaries and late birthday presents!)

  • Master your marketing by outsourcing podcasts, social media, funnels and more 

  • Streamline your systems with operational support, upleveling your customer journey and touchpoints 

  • Rank all of the tasks on a scale of love to hate and send your list to Selina herself for expert support on taming your to-do list once and for all!


I have a feeling you’re here because you’re drowning and doing EVERYTHING yourself. “There just aren’t enough hours in the day” swims round and round your head, as you lose yourself yet again in the day-to-day chaos, wondering if this is what the reality of entrepreneurship is supposed to be like — or if you can hope that things could be another way. 

Here’s the truth: you’re standing in your own way by trying to do all the things. Time is our most precious commodity — you just need to know how to leverage it. The Ultimate List of Tasks to Delegate to a Virtual Assistant is exactly what you need to make the reassurance of consistent income and the headspace to be in your genius zone a reality. Give yourself the gift of time, add real value to your biz and achieve the growth you’ve been aiming for. 

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