5 Signs you need to hire a Virtual Assistant


IMAGINE spending less time doing the things that you don't enjoy and more on the things that bring satisfaction, happiness and profit. Here are 5 telltale signs of when it's time to hire help from a Virtual Assistant.


1. Things are falling through the cracks

Are you missing out on sales opportunities because your client and prospect database are not up-to-date?

You're juggling so many projects that you can’t keep track. This responsibility could fall with a Virtual Assistant to ensure that your database is maintained and deadlines to follow up a lead are never missed. Before you know it you will be surprised to find that they can help you pull your business forward by consistently getting you in front of the right prospects at the right time.


2. You’re managing and not leading

Are you spending more time setting up systems, administering programs or software installations, updating sites and systems and administrative tasks? Those can all be delegated to a virtual assistant, and you can focus on doing the things that only a leader can do.


3. The bulk of your time isn’t spent on revenue-generating tasks

Do you spend your entire day living in your inbox and send emails back and forth trying to arrange meetings? This can be delegated to a Virtual Assistant for a fraction of the cost of you doing them yourself. You can outsource repetitive and ongoing administrative tasks such as email management, diary scheduling, phone calls, expense reports, invoicing, travel arrangements, data entry. Virtual Assistants work with efficient processes and programs to ensure that tasks are done quickly and efficiently and regularly updated and maintained.

Relieving these routine administrative tasks allows you to concentrate on high-value business growth tasks.


4. You regularly work 10-16 hours a day to keep up with all the work you have but still feel like you are behind.

Do you wake up 3am wondering if you have forgotten to do something essential in the office? When you partner with a Virtual Assistant they will help you manage your tasks to ensure everything that needs to be done, gets completed within the timeframe. The pressure will be relieved and you will start to claim back your evenings and weekends.


5. You know you need help but can't afford a full-time employee

Most small business can't afford to pay the necessary cost associated with hiring an in-house Personal Assistant. It can be very difficult to find an assistant who can afford to work just a few hours a day for you. Virtual Assistants are independent contractors rather than employees, think of them as your 'on call' go to person. Clients pay for 100% productive work.

  • No overheads such as office space, equipment and supplies.

  • No recruitment fees.

  • No HR paperwork, tax, national insurance or employee benefits.

  • No employee training as Virtual Assistants are highly skilled.

  • Flexibility with no minimum hour commitment. You only pay for time spent on your project.

  • Virtual Assistants take pride in their business and are interested in the success of your business. It's their livelihood. They want you to call them and tell others about their excellent service.

Virtual Assistant


Have you answered YES to any of the above? Don’t put off projects that could dramatically impact your business because you’re overwhelmed by administrative tasks.

Efficiency is a value Virtual Assistants offer and is one way of adding hours to your day. If you would like to gain back your free time, take action today so it will become REALITY. You will soon discover hours in your week that were previously filled with lower-value activities that you can now spend on those high-value tasks that only you can do.


Selina Johnson Virtual Assistant

My name is Selina Johnson and I'm an elite Virtual Assistant providing Virtual Business Support to Executives. My clients outsource necessary but time-consuming tasks to me so they can have more free time to focus on the revenue-generating activities that will make their business more profitable.

Contact me today to discuss how I can add value to your business.

01234 602596



Let's discuss how I can free your time. 

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