3 Signs That You Need To Delegate Right Now
Most biz owners know what it means to delegate.
You might even have been told by a business coach or mentor that you should have been delegating for years now.
But often, you don't realise the importance of taking things off your desk and out of your mind until you're forced to do it.
Burnout is a big risk to entrepreneurs like you who are doing everything themselves. I've been there, and found myself nearing total exhaustion as I tried in vain to fulfil all of the roles in my business (as well as being a wife, mother, friend and a person in my own right!) - it's no wonder I was exhausted.
So if you're unsure whether delegating is right for you just now, here are some of the telltale signs to look out for.
You're working more hours than you'd like
I'm guessing when you set up in biz, you didn't dream of working from 7am to 8pm just to get everything done. When we dream of leaving the grind of the 9-5 it's not so we can work MORE hours!
Of course when you run your own business, there will be the occasional time when you need to work more.
But regularly working long hours has been linked to health concerns - not to mention the stress it can cause.
If you're constantly working more than you'd like, your to-do list is too long. And that means you need some help.
Clients and customers are getting a sub-standard service
When you're overworked, it's easy to miss things which can lead to unhappy clients and customers.
If this happens regularly, before long you'll find yourself losing paying clients, getting negative reviews or spending even more time fighting fires as you try to get everything back on track.
As soon as your service standards start slipping, you should look into alternative solutions. And all too often, the challenge is because you're simply trying to do too much.
Bringing in the right help to do the tasks you don't absolutely have to do can free up so much time - time you can use to get those unhappy clients back on side (or find new ones!)
Your biz has reached a plateau
If your growth has stalled, despite you working as hard as you've ever worked, the chances are you need to bring in some help.
Wearing all the hats in your biz leaves very little time to work ON your biz... and that's where the real growth comes in. Only when you can spend time training, developing your biz and strategising to reach the next level will you start to see the growth you're aiming for.
And that only comes when you have space, freedom and time to do it - all things you get when you delegate the day-to-day tasks within your biz.
Over to you
Do you recognise any of these in yourself? If so, it's time to take the leap and start delegating to take the pressure off yourself, deliver the service you're known for and grow your biz. And if you need any help, my Ultimate Delegation System is exactly what you need. You can check it out here.
All my best,
Selina Johnson — Business Support Expert, solution seeker and freedom fixer — helps successful coaches, consultants, speakers and entrepreneurs from across the globe to scale their businesses, make more money and achieve faster, sustainable results without compromising their time.
Over the past 16 years, she’s supported high profile individuals like award-winning architect Dame Zaha Hadid DBE, Sunday Times Top 20 Most Influential Entrepreneurs In The UK Sháá Wasmund MBE, former Co-Director of the Serpentine Gallery Dame Julia Peyton-Jones DBE, and Russian billionaire Timur Sardarov.
Today, she teaches brilliant entrepreneurs just like you how to implement her simple methods that result in BIG wins in their businesses — including the dynamite delegation strategies, time management hacks and mindset mastery she’s used to halve her hours, double her income and ditch her commute, leaving her free to create and live the life she loves.