3 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting My Business

3 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting My Business Virtual Assistant.png

Starting your own business can feel like sink or swim. 

You go from feeling like the expert in your zone of genius — to completely back to square one when you realise you’re responsible for fulfilling all of the other areas of your biz too. 

I’ve learned so much since my first days as an entrepreneur that changed everything for me. 

Take a look at my top 3 things I wish I knew before starting my business. 


Working harder doesn’t mean you’ll get any further 

I left the corporate life full of BIG ideas. I was dreaming about what I was going to do and achieve with this newfound confidence and freedom and couldn’t wait to put it all into action. 

I immersed myself in the world of entrepreneurship — but my social media feeds were packed with ‘the hustle’. I was so keen that I fell into the trap of thinking that the more I worked, the further I’d get. So many big players in the online business world preach about this lifestyle so it had to work — right? 

Well… It didn’t quite happen like that. The more I worked, the more exhausted I felt — and the less productive I became. 

After working on my mindset, I realised that some of my best CEO work was done outside of my business. The time away I took was the stuff that filled up my cup and meant I could come back to Selina & Co. full of inspiration and raring to go. 

So next time you’re longing to exercise, relax with your family or switch off and watch Netflix — take the break. Savour it. It might actually be the best thing you could do for your biz! 


Just because you can do it, doesn’t mean you should 

I used to be the sort of person who felt guilty.

Guilty for hiring a cleaner. Guilty for outsourcing my ironing. Guilty for ordering groceries online. 

I was fully capable of doing those things — so how could I justify hiring someone else to do it for me? 

Well — the mentality that used to take me to the brink of exhaustion as an employee was so much more damaging for me as an entrepreneur. 

It’s what kept me feeling like I had to do all of my copywriting, social media, admin, research, finance. You name it, I did it! 

The shift came for me when I realised that we all get the same 24 hours in a day — and it’s what you choose to do with them that determines whether or not you’re moving towards your goals. If I wanted to build my company and create the life I’m dreaming of for my girls — then my time needs to be focused on that and I need to do whatever it takes to make sure that happens. 


You’re only as strong as your mindset 

As an entrepreneur, your mindset is absolutely everything. 

You might have BIG dreams and ideas, but if you don’t believe you can do it or that you’re worthy of it — it’s not going to happen. 

No amount of hustling can overcome your limiting beliefs. 

The moment I started investing in myself and my business, everything changed. Coaching helped me to develop the right strategies and outlook that I needed to take my business further than I ever dreamed of thanks to their expertise and guidance. 

Find the support system you need to crush your limiting beliefs and set to work on bringing your big vision into reality! 


What’s next? 

I’d love to know if any of these tips have helped you to have any shifts in your biz — let me know what you’ve tried in the comments below! 


Selina Johnson — Business Support Expert, solution seeker and freedom fixer — helps successful coaches, consultants, speakers and entrepreneurs from across the globe to scale their businesses, make more money and achieve faster, sustainable results without compromising their time. 

Over the past 16 years, she’s supported high profile individuals like award-winning architect Dame Zaha Hadid DBE, Sunday Times Top 20 Most Influential Entrepreneurs In The UK Sháá Wasmund MBE, former Co-Director of the Serpentine Gallery Dame Julia Peyton-Jones DBE, and Russian billionaire Timur Sardarov.

Today, she teaches brilliant entrepreneurs just like you how to implement her simple methods that result in BIG wins in their businesses — including the dynamite delegation strategies, time management hacks and mindset mastery she’s used to halve her hours, double her income and ditch her commute, leaving her free to create and live the life she loves.