Why Do Clients Call Me The “Freedom Fixer”?

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As a business owner myself, I know all too well how all-encompassing it can be. With long hours as you’re first setting up, then working IN your business while trying to work ON it - it’s no surprise that things can quickly get overwhelming. 

I’ve seen it with so many biz owners that I knew there had to be a better way. 

So when I found myself exhausted and frustrated with long commutes, even longer working hours and no work/life balance (as for free time, what was that?), I knew it was time to make a change. For myself, for my family, and for biz owners out there just like you who deserve a bit of freedom in their lives. 

After all, entrepreneur burnout is very real and can happen to us all.

Shortly after, I set up Selina & Co. and I haven’t looked back since. Being able to give biz owners the mental (and physical) space they need to be able to grow, develop and sustain themselves is such a great motivator for me. 

We can all experience burnout at one time or another, even when we’re in the business of our dreams - it even happened to me!

But living your dream doesn’t mean you have to put up with things being too hard. 
You don’t have to do it all alone. 

In fact, most successful entrepreneurs will agree that you shouldn’t try to do it without a little bit of help.

When clients first come to me, many of them are nervous about bringing in someone to help them: “What would they do? How do I find time to train them? It’s just easier if I do it myself”. 

These are all worries I hear time and time again, and I understand why. Your business is in your blood, you’ve poured your love and energy into it and if you’re going to delegate, you want to make sure it’s in great hands. Rightly so. 

When those same clients come back to me after just weeks of working with us, they call me the “Freedom Fixer”. 

Why? Because I’ve been able to give them what they’ve been missing for so long. 

Freedom to concentrate on growing their business.

Freedom to work more in their zone of genius without being bogged down. 

Freedom to spend more time with family and loved ones. 

Time is the most valuable resource we have, and being able to give that back to biz owners like you? That’s why I do what I do. 
Book a call with me if you’re ready to get more freedom in your life.


Selina Johnson — Business Support Expert, solution seeker and freedom fixer — helps successful coaches, consultants, speakers and entrepreneurs from across the globe to scale their businesses, make more money and achieve faster, sustainable results without compromising their time. 

Over the past 16 years, she’s supported high profile individuals like award-winning architect Dame Zaha Hadid DBE, Sunday Times Top 20 Most Influential Entrepreneurs In The UK Sháá Wasmund MBE, former Co-Director of the Serpentine Gallery Dame Julia Peyton-Jones DBE, and Russian billionaire Timur Sardarov.

Today, she teaches brilliant entrepreneurs just like you how to implement her simple methods that result in BIG wins in their businesses — including the dynamite delegation strategies, time management hacks and mindset mastery she’s used to halve her hours, double her income and ditch her commute, leaving her free to create and live the life she loves.