3 Do-It-Yourself Tools To Increase Productivity For Every Stage of Your Business

3 Do-It-Yourself Tools To Increase Productivity For Every Stage of Your Business.png

Are you floundering under the weight of your workload but not quite ready to push the “go” button on hiring some help? 

You’d be surprised at how common it is.

It’s so overwhelming to consider ADDING things to your already-full plate. After all, where on earth would you find the time to teach someone new how to do all the things you do, am I right? 

This feeling happens at ALL stages of biz - I’ve seen it with clients who are just starting out, all the way up to clients experiencing exponential growth. 

There are some essential keys to delegating effectively.

And the good news is that I have a solution to your delegation woes. Three of them, in fact! 

No matter where you are in your biz, here are three of my best DIY tools to help you make the most of the time you have, and to support you when you are looking to delegate work to others. 

It’s time to take the pain out of sharing the load, 

Start Strong: Essential Tools for Running A Business 

Just at the start of your biz journey and not at the stage to bring in extra help yet? I’ve been there. 

The endless productivity tools, ‘hacks’ and next-big-thing can quickly make life more confusing. Aren’t these things meant to make your life EASIER? 

Yup, they are - and they will!

Over the years while working with clients and building my own successful business, I’ve picked up a thing or two about what tools are the must-haves to have your biz working like clockwork. And an efficient business means less stress for you! This list contains all the resources you need to transform your daily operating procedures for the better, giving you so much extra time to get on with the things you do best. 

Get your copy here

Scale Fast - Ultimate Delegation System

After lots of hard work and building up your business, things are paying off. You’re now busy (yay!)...REALLY busy. 

This is what you’ve been working so hard for. But let me guess, you feel stressed more often than not? 

Being busy is great - after all, it’s what keeps us in business, but you’re getting to the stage where there just aren’t enough hours in the day for you to do it all. Something has to give. 

Whatever professional support you bring into your biz, they need to know how you run things...and they need to learn it QUICK. Say hello to the Ultimate Delegation System! 

Take my carefully-curated strategies and templates to help you delegate like the boss you are. Accelerate the onboarding process and you’ll have someone taking the pressure off quicker than you can say “thank you, Selina!”

Ready to get delegating? You can buy your copy here

Ready to Grow: How To Delegate Without Leaving Money On The Table

As your biz grows, your needs develop and become more specific. And that’s why sometimes, only a bespoke approach will do. 

This expert masterclass is designed to drill into your business needs; keeping you in your zone of genius and identifying what you can move off your desk without risking losing precious time or money. 

Whether you’re already delegating like a pro, or you’re still wary of passing work onto a team, this session will spot those sneaky tasks you can safely delegate to others. 

All with the goal of allowing you the freedom to do more of what you WANT to do. Book your masterclass here


Selina Johnson — Business Support Expert, solution seeker and freedom fixer — helps successful coaches, consultants, speakers and entrepreneurs from across the globe to scale their businesses, make more money and achieve faster, sustainable results without compromising their time. 

Over the past 16 years, she’s supported high profile individuals like award-winning architect Dame Zaha Hadid DBE, Sunday Times Top 20 Most Influential Entrepreneurs In The UK Sháá Wasmund MBE, former Co-Director of the Serpentine Gallery Dame Julia Peyton-Jones DBE, and Russian billionaire Timur Sardarov.

Today, she teaches brilliant entrepreneurs just like you how to implement her simple methods that result in BIG wins in their businesses — including the dynamite delegation strategies, time management hacks and mindset mastery she’s used to halve her hours, double her income and ditch her commute, leaving her free to create and live the life she loves.