My Top 10 Tips For Finding More Time In Your Biz
“I don’t have time.”
How many times have you said that this year? This week? How about today?
That used to be my life — I was like a broken record. Full of guilt, frustration and completely overwhelmed, it was my answer to so many things.
Family birthdays, dinners with friends, gym classes, medical appointments — you name it.
It was miserable — so I committed to taking control of my to-do list once and for all.
Why is time so important?
Even though you’ll hear so many CEOs talking about money, influence and growth when they’re explaining their business goals, for me, there’s nothing more important than TIME.
Finding more precious hours in your day means creating freedom in your life.
(You know — that lifestyle you dreamed of when you left your 9-5?!)
It means never missing bath times, anniversary meals or birthday parties.
Being able to take a vacation without feeling consumed by guilt or anxiety that everything’s going to fall apart when you’re not there.
Feeling healthy and happy because you’re able to take care of yourself as well as your family and your biz.
Freedom is everything to me — and this is how I found it.
My Top 10 Tips
Batch your time. Take a strategic look at your to-do list at the beginning of each week and group any similar tasks together. You’ll be amazed at how much quicker you’ll get through it!
Have regular check-ins to make sure you’re focused on your zone of genius (rather than drowning in admin… sounding familiar?)
Delegate, delegate, delegate. Speaking of your zone of genius… If there’s a task on your list that doesn’t fall under that category, it’s GOT to go!
Systemise anything you do on a regular basis — from new client set ups to onboarding new team members.
Document EVERYTHING. Create SOPs for every process in your biz. It might feel time-consuming at first — but you’ll be thanking me every time you don’t have to sit through a lengthy briefing meeting with every new recruit who joins your ranks.
Build an elite team you can trust to take care of business when you’re out of the picture or focused on a high leverage task.
Take your files online. At Selina & Co, we love Google Drive — everything’s saved in one place and there’s never any confusion about which version of the document is correct — meaning remote teams can collaborate seamlessly.
Set boundaries around your business hours. Your clients don’t need you to be available 24/7 — they need you to deliver the high-level work you know you’re capable of producing. By setting your business hours, you’ll buy yourself time at the beginning and end of your day when you can focus on the tasks that really move the needle rather than answering requests before you can even get started.
Streamline communication. If you’re constantly chasing your tail checking emails, WhatsApp, Voxer, iMessage — bring it all under one roof using a tool like Slack. Easier for your clients, your team, and you.
Prioritise YOU time. Saving the most important tip for last — this one is a non-negotiable. As hard as it might feel, you have to protect your personal time to the ends of the earth if you’re ever going to be able to recharge your batteries — and spoiler alert — this is what’s going to help you show up as the next-level CEO you need to be.
What’s next?
What do you do in your YOU time? Let me know in the comments!
Selina Johnson — Business Support Expert, solution seeker and freedom fixer — helps successful coaches, consultants, speakers and entrepreneurs from across the globe to scale their businesses, make more money and achieve faster, sustainable results without compromising their time.
Over the past 16 years, she’s supported high profile individuals like award-winning architect Dame Zaha Hadid DBE, Sunday Times Top 20 Most Influential Entrepreneurs In The UK Sháá Wasmund MBE, former Co-Director of the Serpentine Gallery Dame Julia Peyton-Jones DBE, and Russian billionaire Timur Sardarov.
Today, she teaches brilliant entrepreneurs just like you how to implement her simple methods that result in BIG wins in their businesses — including the dynamite delegation strategies, time management hacks and mindset mastery she’s used to halve her hours, double her income and ditch her commute, leaving her free to create and live the life she loves.