Still Doing All The Things in Your Biz? Here’s How to Stop…

When you look at your to-do list, how does it make you feel? Does it make you feel overwhelmed, stressed and anxious?

If so, I bet you’re stuck in the cycle of doing All The Things. Everything comes to you to be actioned.

But you’re the CEO – you shouldn’t be the Chief of EVERYTHING. If this sounds like you, you’re on a fast track to overwhelm and possibly even burnout. Read on for how you can combat this and stop doing EVERYTHING in your biz.

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How To Simplify Your Biz (And UP Your Profits)

As your business grows and becomes more successful, it’s only natural that things get more and more complex.

You get a bigger team. You deliver more services to your customers. You use more tools to work effectively.

Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE a good tool to help you work at your best...But the challenge starts when you have too many moving pieces - it becomes hard to see the wood for the trees.

Read on for my top practical tips to simplify the way you and your team work - and UP your profits.

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The Secret To Doubling Your Income While Doing LESS Work

It sounds too good to be true, right? The ‘hustle hard’ mentality has tricked us all into believing that we have to work longer and longer hours to become successful.

So much so, that it’s common for entrepreneurs to feel guilty if they’re achieving success without working 50 or 60+ hours a week.

But it doesn’t have to be like that.

Here’s my story of how I doubled my profits while working less - and how you can do it, too!

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Two Signs You’re Not Effectively Delegating (And How To Solve It)

I’m an expert at helping entrepreneurs delegate effectively to take their biz from strength to strength.

Some of my clients have never tried to delegate before, so we’re starting from scratch with the techniques, processes and structures to help them delegate to elevate.

However, sometimes I come across a client who tells me they are delegating already…but they’re still not seeing the results they were expecting. So how do you identify that something’s going wrong?

Here are the top two signs you’re not effectively delegating - and my tips on how to solve it!

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Onboarding For Success

When hiring a new start in your business, a lot of focus is put into the interview and selection process - and rightly so.

But once you’ve got the right person ready to start in your biz, how do you KEEP them there?

It all begins with your onboarding process, and I’m sharing my best tips to bring in an engaged, excited and knowledgeable new hire.

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3 Surprising Things A Virtual Assistant Can Do In Your Biz

When people hear the term “virtual assistant”, often they think of someone who can remotely help you with the administrative tasks in your business.

And while that’s absolutely true, you might be surprised at some of the things a great VA can support you with in your business.

It’s becoming the new normal to utilise the skills of a virtual assistant which I LOVE to see.
After all, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to run a successful business when you’re working all on your own.
As well as the admin tasks, there are a whole load of things an elite VA can do to supercharge your business; here are 3 of the most surprising ones.

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The Mid-Year Review: Your Key To Success In 2021

At the end of last week, we said goodbye to June, as well as the first half of the year.

This means that right now - the midpoint of the year - is the BEST time to take stock of how well you’ve performed up until now and, more importantly, start identifying what you can do to make the remainder of the year the very best yet!

And while Forbes agrees you should be reviewing your year in full, it’s also important to do a mid-year review to try to recognise areas where you can course-correct, and nudge yourself back on the path to success (if needed!)

So how do you approach reviewing your goals when you’re 6 months through the year?

Read on for my top tips on how to go about it.

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How To Show Up In Business As Your Best Self

Entrepreneurship: it’s a demanding lifestyle.

You’ve traded in the security of a traditional 9-5 because you want more. So it’s only natural that you give more as you build your business...right?

But always giving more… it takes a lot out of you and eventually, things start to suffer.

Your mental health. Your physical health. Your relationships (personal AND professional).

As the old saying goes, “you can’t pour from an empty cup”.

So how do you show up as your best self in business?

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The Secret To Building a Winning Team

Team building: whether you’re just thinking about it for the first time, or you’ve already started, I’ve got the secret to bringing in the BEST people for your biz.

So many of my clients have been burned before when it comes to recruitment.

They’ve ended up with the wrong candidates and the wrong fit for their businesses.

But I want to share my secret to building a winning team… something that delves a little deeper.

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